Reuniting Lost Pets & Their Families

Did you know?
Fewer than 5% of the pets we rescue have an ID tag or microchip with current, updated contact information; truly heartbreaking, because many of these animals appear to have been well-loved and well-cared for at some point. If you’re reading this now and your own pet does not have a collar and ID tag on, STOP and please head to the nearest pet supply store – for less than $10, you can have a custom tag made for your pet! Your veterinarian can also implant a microchip under your pet’s skin, which will contain vital information about how to locate you if your pet should go missing.
HOWEVER – microchips are useless if you don’t REGISTER them and UPDATE them in the event your pet is/has been rehomed or if your address or phone number has changed. Stop at any veterinarian, ask them to scan your pet, and take a picture of the scanner display which shows the chip number. Ask them to provide you with the phone number for this particular microchip company, then call to make sure your information is up to date!
When we rescue an animal in the field, we first search for a potential owner – this could include calling contact information available on an ID tag or microchip; searching for or hanging lost pet posters; utilizing social media, neighborhood and lost pet sites; or checking with area shelters. Microchips are NOT a substitute for a collar and ID tag – many people won’t have a dog scanned, and a phone number on a collar is the quickest way to get your dog back home!
How can you make sure your pet doesn’t become lost again? NEVER EVER LET YOUR DOG OFF LEASH unless in a fully fenced area! Even the best trained pets will bolt if they hear a scary sound, see another animal, are left in an unfamiliar place or with unfamiliar people, etc. They could easily be hit by a car. Please keep your pet safe and love him/her enough to keep your dog on a leash (and your cat indoors) at all times.
Do you Think We may have your pet?
If you have been contacted by a Pepper’s Pals representative, this means we have located your pet or one that might be yours. In order to claim your pet, please fill out and submit the form below as soon as possible; a representative will then call you with further instructions on how to pick up your lost pet.
NOTE: This form should be used only by individuals who have been contacted because we believe we may have your pet ALREADY in our care, or if you believe that a pet we FOUND could be your pet.
Next Steps
Following is the proof of ownership you need to provide before scheduling a time to pick up your pet – many people claim to be the owners of lost pets, so we require verification:
-A current Maricopa County license; OR
-Veterinary records (within the last 18 months) OR
-Shelter adoption form OR
-Implanted microchip reflecting you as the current, registered owner
If none of these forms of legal proof of ownership are available, Pepper’s Pals Rescue may require the owner to apply as an adopter – our normal adoption process will apply.
Return Fees
Our nonprofit organization incurs expenses related to the humane rescue/capture, housing and care of the lost animals we rescue. All fees must be paid prior to picking up your pet.
1. $50.00 intake fee – this fee covers a small portion of the costs incurred by our nonprofit organization in searching for, locating and humanely trapping your pet, conducting an intake exam, administering first aid if required for minor wounds, cleaning ears and trimming nails, general bathing, and providing topical parasite treatment if indicated.
2. $30.00 per night for discounted rescue boarding. The will help cover the cost incurred by the designated foster who has kenneled, fed, and cared for the pet.
3. The cost of all veterinary care (including treatment for illness or injury, spay/neuter surgery, vaccines, etc.). Please note that under Arizona law, all animals must be spayed or neutered before leaving a rescue; you will be responsible for the related veterinary costs if your animal is not already sterilized.
4. The cost of any required professional bathing, grooming, or de-matting. Dogs who are matted or are at risk for matting must receive regular grooming care. Otherwise, mats are painful and can affect the overall health of a pet.
All animals must be reclaimed Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm. Our foster-based rescue does not maintain public hours, therefore you must have a scheduled appointment time 24 hours in advance so that we can arrange the return with the foster. If you feel that you are no longer able to keep your pet, you may choose to surrender your pet to the rescue and we will place the pup up for adoption.
What To Bring
When picking up your pup, you must bring the following items with you:
-Properly sized collar;
-ID tag with your name and number;
-Properly-sized crate for your dog to ride in for the trip home